| Silverlight - FEEL-Online Psychology Test System

  FEEL   FEEL_1 FEEL_2  

The online psychology test system is a WEB application aimed to provide users with psychological test, and shared to zones with feedback according to test result.

Key point for development: The system is developed by using Silverlight technology. It can save users test result with connection to Access database, and enable users to upload custom avatar. Psychology test contents can be added by modifying database, and the test system can read titles and answers automatically without manual programming.

Challenge: Silverlight can not read and write from database by itself, and will need building a Webclient as bridging. Interface of Silverlight includes gradual change between animation and interface, which needs both animation code in the front and control code in the end; Storing and reading of users’ avatars and UI interfacial design are both difficult points in the test system .

Co-worker: Jackie Zhu (UI Design and Animation Design) I am responsible for UI Construction, Animation Production and Back-end Coding.  

Demo | on Youtube


Demo | on youku